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Long Hah Fung  Co., Ltd.

Since 1972

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TH-001  120X150 cm      THROW BLANKETS     20% Poly   20% Acrylic   60% Rayon Chenille ,
available in blue, green, red and gold color    weight 0.8 kg each 

181  /  182   12"  batten lace parasol

HWH-1 White fine cotton with machine embroidery handkerchiefs (17 pieces set)
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CM-72-1  72X72"  Ecru polyester cotton with color hand embroidery tablecloth

058W  72X72" White linen with  cutwrok embroidery tablecloth

058E  72X72"  Ecru linen with  cutwrok embroidery tablecloth

3265 72X72"  White linen with heavy embroidery tablecloth
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B800 72x72"  White linen with heavy cutwrok embroidery tablecloth

HM72-1  72X72"  White linen with heavy embroidery tablecloth

10578  72X108"  White linen with heavy cutwrok embroidery tablecloth
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5498  90X90"  White linen with heavy cutwrok embroidery tablecloth

 24133 90X90"  Ecru linen with heavy cutwork embroidery tablecloth

40699  96X110"   White linen with Venice Lace bedcover

5151  54X72"  Venice lace  tablecloth
7954  36X36" White linen with cutwork embroidery tablecloth
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11011  White cotton batten lace collar
6001  16X45"  16X54" White linen with heavy heavy cutwork embroidery tray cloths

9031  36X36"  Ecru or white cotton with batten lace &  hand embroidery tablecloth 

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619 13X13"  White linen with fine heavy embroidery handkerchiefs

4730  13X13"  White fine cotton with white hand embroidery handkerchief`
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9921 13X13"  White linen with fine heavy embroidery handkerchiefs
8661 13X13"  White linen with fine heavy embroidery handkerchiefs

HM-17   17X17"  White linen with fine heavy embroidery handkerchiefs
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GT-23  24X40"  White cotton with applique work guest towel

GT-32  White linen with hand embroidery guest towel
7 pieces set

GT-21   28X44"  White linen with hand embroidery guest towel

GT-22   28X44"  White linen with hand embroidery guest towe

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GT-33  28X44" White linen with hand embroidery guest towel      20 pieces set

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GT-35  28X44" White linen with hand embroidery guest towel      12 pieces set

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GT-38  38X48" White linen embroidery guest towels      7 pieces set

GT-34  24X40" White cotton with color hand embroidery guest towels  ( 9 pieces set)

GT-36  28X44" White linen or cotton with hand embroidery guest towel      13 pieces set


GT-37  38X48" White linen with hand embroidery guest towel      3 pieces set


GT-25  24X40" White cotton with color hand embroidery guest towels  ( 7 pieces set)

GT-17   28X44"  White linen with hand embroidery guest towel  (12 pieces set)



GT-19   28X44"  White linen with color hand embroidery guest towel

HWCR108  72X108"  Ecru cotton crochet lace tablecloth

275 72X72"  White cotton with crochet lace hand embroidery tablecloths

HWTB-2 10X10" Color batten lace tissue box cover 

HWTB-3 12X13" Color batten lace tissue box cover

HWTB-4 12X13" White cotton with white embroidery tissue box cover 

HWTB-5 12X13" Color  cotton with white embroidery tissue box cover

HWTB-6 12X13"  7X17" Color batten lace tissue box cover and toilet rolls 10 pieces sets.    Each set consist of 5 different color tissue box cover and toilet rolls 

4745 14X14" White cotton with color machine embroidery candy bags

HWTC-1 14X20" White nylon with applique work traycloths

HWTC-2  HWTC-2B 14X20"  12X18"  White cotton with colour traycloth

HWCU-1 16X16" Ecru cotton with crochet lace color embroidery cushion

HWCU-2  18X18" White cotton batten lace cushion

9702 20X20" White cotton with cutwork embroidery cushion

6154  White cottton with batten lace tree skirt 48X48"

White linen with color embroidery  tissue box cover   5X5" 

White batten lace sachet

4032  16X36"  White crochet lace runners  

3555  72X126" oval   Ecru cotton with ecru hand embroidery tablecloth

5071   72X180" OVAL    White linen with white hand embroidery tablecloth  


 White linen with white hand embroidery tablecloths


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